Sunday, August 21, 2011

Diggin' It

This past Saturday, I wrote a little paragraph on Facebook that holds a great deal of meaning for me.

"So many yards here are landscaped, but that is all they are - landscapes. They are not gardens; they have no soul. I am tickled that I have finally gotten my hands into the soil, and begin to transform the neglected landscape I bought into my garden. However imperfect it may be, it will live and breathe, and shine and falter, and be infinitely more beautiful than the most carefully manicured landscape."

Like any other retail establishment, garden centers and nurseries are things I need to really look for since moving. Last week, I went to see this interesting fellow on Rte 17N named Firecracker Bill. He has a little place that I suspect may have been a house at some point, out of which he sells fireworks and plants. During my visit there, I learned that his wife had an accident at the end of June and fractured her sternum, as well as her arm. That was a couple of days before her double mastectomy was scheduled. Bill also had an American Bulldog that was as big as a pony to help protect the property from theft and break-ins. I was only happy to buy what I could from him.

Since I am dying for more color and blooms, I decided to check out the Lowe's garden center, which my dear father-in-law assured me looked well maintained. That was a productive visit. I found several things (many on sale!) for my semi-shade garden I worked on this past Saturday, as well as plants for the very large pots left behind by the previous homeowner. I repainted them, and the small urn I brought with me, and started planting them tonight. When I am done, photos will follow.

I also came to the conclusion today that the fence on my property serves absolutely no purpose. It was installed previously for very small children and pets. I have neither, and frankly not only will it reduce maintenance if I get rid of it, it will improve the yard. I will need to clean up along the marsh a bit but it needs it anyway. The only other decision I need to make there is if a certain tree stays or goes. There are live oaks, which must stay, wax myrtles that are optional, and another tree I couldn’t identify. After some research this evening, I am guessing it may be an eastern redbud. If that is so, the flower show is supposed to be spectacular. However, I am still concerned with its proximity to my deck.

In other news, we are adding a lavatory to the garage level. We have most of the parts and pieces to do it ourselves and have already decided where it will go. It occurred to me that it would be great fun to paint the outside with chalkboard paint, which will be fun for everyone….I mean the kids. First, to get the outdoor shower working. It needs a couple of parts. That may sound silly, but if you work here outside for roughly three minutes, you will see the enormous advantage.

The kids have settled into school beautifully, and haven’t missed a beat. While I can’t say there are not things that still need to be unpacked, and can say confidently that we are settled.


Amanda Makepeace said...

Sounds like you are settling in just fine. :) Can't wait to see some photos!!

C. Baker said...

If that's a redbud, they don't get very big if that helps it not be a threat to your deck any. The flowers are the best, one of my favorite harbingers of spring.

Glad to see you are getting things together in your new place.