Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Moving Muses

Wow, this took a bit of manuevering. Everything I typed was being converted to Hindi. I just found the setting that was making that so. I should be able to read my own posts now!

I decided to start blogging about the move from MA to SC. Sometimes it may be a line or two about a little accomplishment, sometimes it may be about the transition, and maybe a thing or two that we encounter that takes a bit of getting used to.

I have been reluctant to fill up my Facebook with little tidbits that not everyone would be interested in, but I will link to there, so if you feel like reading my ramblings, and perhaps make a comment or two, here we go!

1 comment:

BeadedHeron said...

Finally! I have been wondering all about your move, and how things are and all that good stuff. I am considering re-locating myself, so this will be great! Thanks Donna!
